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Showing posts from 2010

Good, Bad, Dirty, Ugly SAP Implementation

  Many SAP Implementation were stated as "successfully" implemented, indeed these are 'Unsuccessful' because of these six factors which were listed. The following paragraphs elaborate on the six factor groups which could be useful to those implanting or just implemented.   Factor 1: Worked with SAP functionality/maintained scope A crucial part of working with the SAP functionality is the ability to streamline operations. When implementing a system, many organizations fail to specify their organizational objectives. Job skills are raised by the requirements of the new, post-implementation company. Idiosyncratic ways of doing business, which were manageable, although most likely inefficient, under the "old system", are no longer tolerated. Companies that do not understand these issues early on will face serious problems. Successful companies have recognized the importance of "cleaning up" their operations, which will allow them to implement ...

What is AIDA ?

I have no idea, when I heard first time about AIDA in year 2005. I understand that it is more used in Ad world. A.I.D.A Means A ttention, Interest, Desire, Action Attention : Capture your stakeholder / team / business attention right away, with a riveting photo and headline. Exceptional dash boards/ reports showcase headlines and images that work together. Interest : If you handle your team properly, their inputs (generated out of interest ) isn't nice ? May be wrote a good headline in your email , likely they'll be intrigued and continue reading. Your email where you can isolate a fear, problem, concern or need of theirs. Desire . Make them want what you have. Pose your solution to the aforementioned problem. Build your case.   Action . Finally, tell your audience what to do. After all they action ( Do it ) now !!