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Showing posts from January, 2010

What is AIDA ?

I have no idea, when I heard first time about AIDA in year 2005. I understand that it is more used in Ad world. A.I.D.A Means A ttention, Interest, Desire, Action Attention : Capture your stakeholder / team / business attention right away, with a riveting photo and headline. Exceptional dash boards/ reports showcase headlines and images that work together. Interest : If you handle your team properly, their inputs (generated out of interest ) isn't nice ? May be wrote a good headline in your email , likely they'll be intrigued and continue reading. Your email where you can isolate a fear, problem, concern or need of theirs. Desire . Make them want what you have. Pose your solution to the aforementioned problem. Build your case.   Action . Finally, tell your audience what to do. After all they action ( Do it ) now !!